
Showing posts from June, 2017

Merry Christmas

December is here and in my life, it’s been the month God has shown Himself strong on my behalf. Let me boast on the Lord for a minute: December 2006 - brand new luxury debt free vehicle December 2010 - new house December 2012 - surprise day of beauty sponsored by a group of ladies December 2015 - won a corporate global award at my job December 2017 - the man who’d become my husband let it be known he was pursuing me to marry me While God is not bound by time, the manifestations of His goodness are evidence to never count Him in ANY calendar year. Especially in 2020. I’ve seen comments about people being ready to hurry up and get to 2021.  We still have twenty-four more days for God’s glory to shine! Think about it: you’ve made it this far into a year that has had our heads turning and spinning very which way. That’s praiseworthy alone! Hallelujah! Proverbs 17:22 says “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.” When we’ve had a tough year, it might be

No Fear

Second Timothy 1:7 NKJV says "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."  The Contemporary English Version (CEV) says "God's Spirit doesn't make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love and self-control." The world tells us "oh, a little fear is healthy." No, that's not true, especially in the Kingdom of God. Fear in any area is an entry point of the devil. He will use that fear to creep in and cause us to make decisions out of fear. He'll take that little opening and grow it so big until we are living our lives completely out of fear. Fear produces anxiety, which leads to depression. (Proverbs 12:25) .  It also produces pride and we know pride is a destroyer. I had some deeply rooted fears in the area of relationships. I was severely afraid of being rejected and abandoned because that's all I knew. That fear caused me to make some very bad choices and accept things that