Merry Christmas

December is here and in my life, it’s been the month God has shown Himself strong on my behalf. Let me boast on the Lord for a minute: December 2006 - brand new luxury debt free vehicle December 2010 - new house December 2012 - surprise day of beauty sponsored by a group of ladies December 2015 - won a corporate global award at my job December 2017 - the man who’d become my husband let it be known he was pursuing me to marry me While God is not bound by time, the manifestations of His goodness are evidence to never count Him in ANY calendar year. Especially in 2020. I’ve seen comments about people being ready to hurry up and get to 2021.  We still have twenty-four more days for God’s glory to shine! Think about it: you’ve made it this far into a year that has had our heads turning and spinning very which way. That’s praiseworthy alone! Hallelujah! Proverbs 17:22 says “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.” When we’ve had a tough year, it might be

Protect Your Peace

Earlier this week I posted on Facebook about being stuck.  The Lord gave me the revelation that if the enemy can get you stuck at one particular place in your life, he’s got you. I came to realize that he has no new tricks, just different packaging.  He is not interested in the new because he only recreates the old.  He attempts to take something that looks very close to what God said and put his own perverted spin on it. He did the exact thing to Jesus after He had been in the wilderness for 40 Days (Luke 4) and to Eve by enticing her to eat the fruit. (Genesis 3)
Friends, we have to be certain of what God has spoken to us about our lives, our homes, our ministries, etc. Jesus was able to resist the enemy by combating him with the Word. Eve was not so fortunate. She yielded to his temptation and her yielding produced generational consequences. We must not allow ourselves to yield to the snares, lures and devices of the enemy. He comes to war against ours souls and disrupt our peace.
In my last blog post, I shared with you about how I surrendered to my season of where God has me right now. I was really like a crazy woman over the last 18 months because I was attempting to move ahead of Him, in my own time and my own way.  The Lord revealed to me that enemy was warring against me the entire time!  I was so blinded and had not a clue.  He used confusion, doubt, and fear. But his biggest weapon was PRIDE!  Pride was something buried in me and the enemy attached himself to it. Friends, pride is so dangerous and it will cause God to resist you (James 4:6) and “know you from afar” (Psalms 138:6).  I can tell you first-hand what this feels like. It felt like I was going through mental hell on earth! I was up one minute, down the next, certain one minute, unsure the next, strong one minute, weak the next.  Pride will also pull us out of the will of God because we think we know more or have better knowledge about a situation than He does.  When I humbled myself before the Lord, my mind started sobering up. He began to pour out more grace for me to stay put. There is a purpose for everything God does. 
Friend, it is up to you to believe the Lord, honor His Word and completely open your heart to Him. Walking in humility means pouring out your heart before Him, which lets Him know you trust Him with your inner most feelings, emotions, desires, thoughts and your life.  Pride is the very nature of the devil.  Pride will cause you to hold on to that thing, place, time or event that the Lord is trying to deliver you from. Resist the enemy enough to the point where he flees from you and humble yourself enough to let it go, whatever IT is.  Your future is big and your destiny is great but it’s not big enough to hold pride.

Suggested Viewing:
Building Your Soul Prosperity

Suggested Reading:

©2014 by Tamara D. Davis
Scriptures taken from the New King James Version.  Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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